Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Gadianton Robbers

The pattern of the Gadianton robbers is among us. It is undeniable that there are secret combinations at work at all levels of society; starting with street gangs, going all the way up to the halls of congress.

What are these secret combinations founded on? Agency conversion. What do I mean by the phrase "agency conversion"? Oppression, tyranny and murder. It is a true principle that one can gain by stealing portions or all of another person's agency. Some examples, addiction, sweat shops, overwork, slavery and ultimately murder. All of these things circumscribe the conversion of other's agency into money and power.

In the old stories hinted to in the Book of Mormon, each member of such a society takes an oath, upon pain of death to protect the others in the society. -They give up a part of their agency for worldly pleasures and filthy lucre. After which they become members who will live or die by the whims of the society.

These partakers of the oath permeate society and then glut themselves on the labor of others. Committing crimes that are hidden, evading the courts and being acquitted of capital offenses, all for the sake of power and money. They bribe and threaten each other, all the while smiling because of their secrets.

There is a common persuasion that a thing is only wrong if you get caught, as if a thing is only bad based on the consequences, regardless of the principle. e.g. if you find a way to cheat the system, there's nothing wrong with that, since you are smarter than the system, you must "deserve" it.

Most criminals believe that they deserve the spoils they receive from their acts because they're "smarter" than the others. If I'm smart enough to write a virus that is clever enough to ruin your financial well-being, and bolster mine, you deserved it, and I deserve anything I can get. Regardless of the law - "Thou shalt not steal".

A lie is based on the message you portray, not the actual words that are spoken. However, in a court of law, this is the game, to get what you want, using words that are "technically true" and not get caught. Technicalities and loopholes are what lawyers specialize in these days.

Righteousness is based upon intents of the heart, and is not subject to special interpretation or "technicalities".

What's wrong with this picture? Isn't this how the civilization of the Nephites toppled? Isn't this how ancient Rome crumbled? It was from corruption within, extortion, tyranny and oppression.

So what can we do? Captain Moroni fought the extortionists hand to hand. Gidgiddoni told the people to protect themselves and prepare for battle. Deny the enemy their spoils, and when they try to force you or coerce you, expose them. The only time that Gadiantons were defeated, was when their power and spoils were denied them.

Above all, we have to recognize evil for what it is. We must deal honestly with our fellow man, exact punishment where it is due, and yet be forgiving where forgiveness is due. We must be above petty money, and vote for the greater good. We must only allow power in small amounts, and make sure that those unto whom it is given are trustworthy.

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