Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Happiness != Money 10-6-2007

Today we listened to general conference. I have been thinking a lot about what happiness is lately and was kind of hoping to get some more insight from the conference.

I particularly remember one talk by one of the 70 who told a story about when he was a little boy and he complained to his dad that he needed new shoes because he could see his toe through the end of the shoe. They were too poor to buy new shoes so his dad shined the shoes and made them look better. Then the boy complained that he could still see his toe through the shoe and so the father put shoe polish on his toe and then it couldn't be seen.

I think that you don't need money to be happy. If you have it, great, but it should only be a means to an end. It should not be life's primary pursuit, otherwise, one will lead an empty life.

Happiness is based on faith, family, relationships, and service. All require personal sacrifice.

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